Any type of abortion is a serious medical decision, and we’re happy you are doing your research beforehand. Since a medical abortion is generally performed at home, knowing what to expect is vital.

Although we do not perform or refer for abortions, we can give you the information you need to protect your health and safety. Schedule a consultation, which includes a free and confidential pregnancy test and ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy.

What Is a Medical Abortion?

  • A medical abortion, also called “the abortion pill,” is one method that ends a pregnancy. However, it isn’t one pill. It’s a regimen of two powerful drugs to terminate a pregnancy and then remove it from your body.

The FDA highly regulates the first drug, mifepristone. It is approved for ending a pregnancy through 10 weeks. Only certified prescribers can distribute the drug, so the FDA encourages people not to buy it randomly online.

Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone from reaching the uterus. Progesterone helps a pregnancy grow and develop. Without this hormone, the pregnancy detaches from the uterine lining and ends.

The second drug, misoprostol, causes bleeding and contractions to remove the pregnancy from the body. One study found that many women were surprised by the intense pain the drugs caused.

What Are the Side Effects to Expect?

Like other drugs, there are specific side effects you should expect when using the abortion pill method:

  • Bleeding and cramping
  • Heavy cramping and bleeding with blood clots
  • A low-grade fever
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea

Since you perform the abortion in your home, you need to be aware of how much bleeding is too much. The Cleveland Clinic suggests contacting your healthcare provider if you soak through more than two thick pads within an hour.

Other reasons to contact a healthcare provider include:

  • No bleeding 24 hours after taking misoprostol.
  • Signs of an infection, such as a long-term fever or foul-smelling vaginal discharge.
  • Severe abdominal or back pain.
  • You don’t get your period after two months.
  • You have symptoms of pregnancy.

What Should I Do Before a Medical Abortion?

You should have a pregnancy test and ultrasound before proceeding with a medical abortion. We offer both for free.

An ultrasound dates your pregnancy to see how far along you are. It also determines if your pregnancy is growing or if you have had a miscarriage. Some experts estimate as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. You will want to find out your pregnancy’s location, too. It can be life-threatening if not located in your uterus.

Contact SouthWest Options for Women

Take advantage of our free and confidential pregnancy testing and ultrasounds. You can conveniently schedule an appointment online or call (952) 938-4496. We’re here to give you the information and support you need.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.