Choosing how to handle an unplanned pregnancy is one of the most difficult decisions a woman will make. Her life has already changed because of the pregnancy, and determining how to move forward is hard. You are a wonderful friend to support her at this time. Here are a few tips to help a friend facing a tough decision.

Knowing What to Say

It can be difficult to know what to say when a friend struggles. Sometimes, the best action is just to listen. It’s okay to let them talk it through.

Resist the urge to offer advice unless asked. You may have differing views on abortion, but how your friend chooses to handle her pregnancy must be her decision.

Validate Her Feelings

An unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming. If your friend talks about being afraid, angry, or numb, tell her she has every right to feel that way. As she continues talking, remind her of what you’ve heard her say so she knows you listened and understood.

Encourage her to examine her feelings and not offer clichés like “You’ll get over it” or “You just need to move on.”

Offer Physical Help

One of the earliest pregnancy symptoms is fatigue. Your friend may be too tired to do her laundry or grocery shop. Offer to run some errands for her. Knowing you have a friend willing to help you physically eases stress.

While you’re at the store, send her a quick text and ask what you can pick up for her. You can also take her favorite snack and watch a movie together or go for a “mental health” walk.

Offer to go with her to confirm her pregnancy. At SouthWest Options for Women, we don’t perform or refer for abortion, but we can verify she has a viable (developing) pregnancy with free and confidential pregnancy services.

Our services include a free pregnancy test and a limited ultrasound, which will provide your friend with the information she needs if she’s considering an abortion.

Our client advocates can also give her factual information about abortion procedures, the side effects to expect, and potential physical and emotional consequences. Your friend may want to learn about her other options, too.

How We Can Help

We understand the struggle when facing an unplanned pregnancy. We are here for both of you. If you need advice on how to help your friend, please do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

If your friend wants more information about her pregnancy and options, encourage her to schedule a free pregnancy confirmation appointment. Thanks for being a wonderful friend!